Awesome Hair: An Ode to Christian Kane

chriskane01Did you watch Leverage on Tuesday? If you did (and if you didn’t, you missed an awesome show, go watch it now!) you probably noticed some of the best hair on TV. And what a great job the episode did of showing off that hair. We got to see Chris in a tuque, with his hair down, in a fancy ponytail, and of course messy ponytail battle mode. I’m sure with all the disguises used on the show that there will be a number of other hairstyles over the course of the season.

chriskane02Of course, for fans of Christian Kane the level of awesome his hair exhibited came as no surprise. He’s been rocking the hair for many years now. In fact, it’s widely believed that Chris possessed such a magnificent, lush head of hair upon his birth (magically free of Birth Goo), that the doctor that delivered him wept openly at the sight of it, and continued to do so for several years. His tears eventually formed Lake Texoma.

chriskane05The length of Chris’ hair has little bearing on how awesome it is, baring of course personal preference. Long or short, Chris hair is never anything short of spectacular. This applies to his facial hair as well, as his ‘stache from Secondhand Lions shown above clearly shows. His hair even bypasses the uncanny valley, as evidenced by this shot from 24: The Game. Even digital representations of his hair look cool. Sure, you could attribute this to the skill of the game’s modellers, but I think we all know the real reason.

I could go on, citing examples from throughout his career such as his awesome portrayal of Lindsey McDonald on Angel, but any of you canchriskane04chriskane03 go and do that with a couple quick IMDB and Google searches if these pictures haven’t satisfied your awesome hair quota for the day. So I think I’ll wrap this post up with a little bit more pimping, because I really want the show to do well: Christian Kane’s rocking hair, yet another reason to watch TNT’s Leverage (Tuesdays at 10!).


~ by Jerk on December 11, 2008.

8 Responses to “Awesome Hair: An Ode to Christian Kane”

  1. I’m almost as facinated by this uncanny wiki as I am by the beauty of Kane’s Lion Mane. I love that they practically put an ode to him right in the graph making sure they point out how close he got with a prostetic hand.

    I have to admit I got pretty excited over the waiter diguise. His bowtie was crooked.

    Second possible quote was “Im sorry, it was too far away for you to punch, that must have made you really angry”

  2. I was very disappointed that the pic of him and Jensen with beer had him in a hat, and thus I couldn’t use it.

  3. Oh oh.. i really liked him as the guard guy. And i liked that the glasses returned, like they’re actually something he own and like carries around with him. You never think of him as a character actor but I like it.

  4. …the Secondhand Lion stache isn’t his.

  5. I think it totally counts when it’s glued to his face.

  6. It is January 24 2013 and we all still LOVE THE HAIR!!! LOL

  7. Christian’s hair will always be a point of discussion!

  8. Christian Kane recently cut his hair. Personally, I like it shorter, but there is plenty of debate going on out there!

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